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Black Friday Patient Appreciation November 25

You ate, too much. Then, you shopped, too much. Don’t worry, we have you covered! Stop by Skyline Chiropractic in Burnsville, MN, from 3:00-6:00 p.m. CT on Black Friday, November 25, for Read More

Smile! Learn How Chiropractic is Helping Patients

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. When many folks in Burnsville think about chiropractic care, many only think about it for their neck or back. But, chiropractic is for your whole body. We asked our Read More

5 Great Reasons Chiropractic Care Benefits Seniors

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. Want to grow old gracefully? Studies say senior citizens should consider chiropractic care. A Rand Corp. study found senior citizens who regularly visit their chiropractor see improved overall health, Read More

Patients are Smiling Because Their Neck Pain is Gone Thanks to Chiropractic

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. We all do it. We look at screens all day with our heads down. Even reading can put your neck in an awkward position, causing unwanted neck pain. Many wait until Read More

Fall Sports and Chiropractic

Get Ready for Fall Sports: Prevent Injuries and Optimize Performance with Chiropractic Care As Burnsville area schools head back into session, fall sports are in full swing. Whether your child is Read More

Back to School Patient Appreciation

Heading back to school? Is someone in your family heading back to school? Treat yourself and the student to a chiropractic tune-up at Skyline Chiropractic on Saturday, September 10, 9:00-10:30 a.m.! We Read More

Back to School Sports, Children and Chiropractic

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. Kids are heading back to school, and starting the fall organized sports season. Sports are a great way for children to boost confidence, learn teamwork, build camaraderie and Read More

Car accident? Where can you find a chiropractor near Burnsville MN?

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. It happens. Someone tails you too close and hits you from behind. Or you think the person ahead is moving forward, but they don’t. Ouch! However it happens, Read More

Bouncy Houses, Injuries and Chiropractic Care

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. They are at fairs, festivals, amusement parks and in your Burnsville neighbor’s backyard. Your kids cannot resist them. I’m talking about the bouncy house. A 2012 study in the journal Read More

Summer Bash! Patient Appreciation July 9

It’s a Summer Bash! Start your Saturday off with a chiropractic treatment and get your weekend started feeling great! We are having a patient appreciation day on Saturday, July 9, 9-11 a.m.!  Your Read More

Amusement Park Fun and Your Neck

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. It’s one of the pleasures of summer. Going to the amusement park or fair and riding the roller coasters and other rides. You spend the day eating funnel Read More

Natural Relief for Pain with Chiropractic Care

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. Millions of Americans are prescribed Opioids, including commonly prescribed drugs oxycodone and morphine, every day to help to manage pain. And many of them become addicted to their Read More

Graduation Special!

Treat yourself and the grad to a chiropractic tune-up at Skyline Chiropractic on Saturday, May 21, 9-11 a.m.! We are having another patient appreciation for only $20! It's a CASH ONLY, NO APPOINTMENT necessary Read More

Weekend Gardening Warriors

by Karlynn L. Benson, D.C. Spring fever has hit Burnsville, MN. Which means the gardening weekend warriors are doing battle with their yards. Then on Mondays and Tuesdays, they crawl or hobble into Read More

Family Primary Care Chiropractic

by  L. Benson, D.C. If you’ve been in our waiting room, you may have notice entire families walking into an exam room. Because chiropractic care is for the entire family. Let’s look at Read More

Spring Tune-up -- Patient Appreciation April 2

Start out the day by giving your body a chiropractic tune-up on Saturday, April 2, 9-11 a.m.!  We are having another patient appreciation for only $20!  It's a CASH ONLY, NO APPOINTMENT necessary Read More

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